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Veterans Program
Crosspoint’s Vets program provides transitional residential rehabilitation and case management services for homeless Veterans. Services include beds for men in our Summit Facility and for women in Crosspoint’s new Women’s Wellness Center in our Alvarez Facility. The Vets program is funded under contract with the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) and provides a 3 to 6 month program that focuses on stabilizing housing and the myriad issues related to physical health, behavioral health and trauma histories our Veterans face.
The Vets program emphasizes comfortable, structured transitional housing and includes case management that provides a bio-psycho-social needs assessment, individual program planning and structured groups such as life skills classes, self-help support groups and individual counseling. All services are coordinated with social work staff from DVA. The program offers Veterans a chance to reestablish stable, happy lives.
Admission to the Vets program is managed through DVA HCHV social workers, Call 210 225-0864 ext 2048 for more information, or call Healthcare for Homeless Veterans at (210) 616-9915.
Privacy Noticefor the San Antonio / Bexar County Continuum of Care’s Homeless Information Management System
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that each jurisdiction that receives funding from HUD have a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) in place. This agency participates in the San Antonio / Bexar County HMIS administered by Haven for Hope (H4H), an electronic data collection system that stores information about the men, women, and children who access homeless and other human services in a community. The purpose of HMIS is to assist in determining your needs and to evaluate the effectiveness of services provided.
We only collect information that is needed to provide you services, or that we consider relevant to helping us understand the scope and dimensions of homelessness in order to design effective service delivery. We do not disclose your information without written consent, except when required by our funders or by law, or for specific administrative or research purposes outlined in our HMIS Privacy Policies. By requesting information and accepting services from this agency, you give consent for us to enter your information into the HMIS.
The collection and disclosure of all personal information is guided by strict security standards. You have the right to see your personal information collected by this partner agency and request changes if incorrect. A full copy of our agency’s HMIS Privacy Policies is available upon request for your review.
Veterans Program
Crosspoint’s Vets program provides transitional residential rehabilitation and case management services for homeless Veterans. Services include beds for men in our Summit Facility and for women in Crosspoint’s new Women’s Wellness Center in our Alvarez Facility. The Vets program is funded under contract with the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) and provides a 3 to 6 month program that focuses on stabilizing housing and the myriad issues related to physical health, behavioral health and trauma histories our Veterans face.
The Vets program emphasizes comfortable, structured transitional housing and includes case management that provides a bio-psycho-social needs assessment, individual program planning and structured groups such as life skills classes, self-help support groups and individual counseling. All services are coordinated with social work staff from DVA. The program offers Veterans a chance to reestablish stable, happy lives.
Admission to the Vets program is managed through DVA HCHV social workers, Call 210 225-0864 ext 2048 for more information, or call Healthcare for Homeless Veterans at (210) 616-9915.
Privacy Notice for the San Antonio / Bexar County Continuum of Care’s Homeless Information Management System
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that each jurisdiction that receives funding from HUD have a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) in place. This agency participates in the San Antonio / Bexar County HMIS administered by Haven for Hope (H4H), an electronic data collection system that stores information about the men, women, and children who access homeless and other human services in a community. The purpose of HMIS is to assist in determining your needs and to evaluate the effectiveness of services provided.
We only collect information that is needed to provide you services, or that we consider relevant to helping us understand the scope and dimensions of homelessness in order to design effective service delivery. We do not disclose your information without written consent, except when required by our funders or by law, or for specific administrative or research purposes outlined in our HMIS Privacy Policies. By requesting information and accepting services from this agency, you give consent for us to enter your information into the HMIS.
The collection and disclosure of all personal information is guided by strict security standards. You have the right to see your personal information collected by this partner agency and request changes if incorrect. A full copy of our agency’s HMIS Privacy Policies is available upon request for your review.